Good race tonight. I did a 30' interval at 93% right before and had really good legs. Away with Gordon, Marc and Gabriel Hipps.
Couple of things... Once the break got formed we tried to do a rotating paceline but in the crosswinds it was pretty inconsistent so without any talk we went back to the 20sec pulls and that worked a lot better. Everyone was riding hard and smooth, a perfect break.
Coming up on 40' I thought it would be close so I slowed the break down to make sure we hit the line at exactly 40' to save us a lap. If you've got a good gap this is worth the seconds lost...and since you rest a bit you can drill the next lap to bring the time back up easily.
Coming into the finish I figured that I was F'd...I was going against the best sprinter in town and one of the strongest TT'ers (& both on the same team!). So into turn 3 I swung way to the side to make those guys do something...MW said he wasn't gonna contest it so I just attacked figuring with the cross tailwind I may be able to hold off GW. That didn't happen. Oh Well.
1. Gordon
2. Me
3. Gabriel Hibbs
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