Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Did the crit tonight and just sat at the back until I started to breath hard then I'd take an easy lap and jump back in.  It was a good easy-fast ride with a few efforts to remind the legs how to go around.  I felt really good tonight.

I cleaned my bike for the 2nd time this year and of course all sorts of things started falling apart...my front derailler is looking very suspect but I'm not too worried as I'll be sort-of big ringing it for the next two rides.  And my rear brake would not work...at all.  I thought it was some dislodged gunk.  And crusty was yelling at me cuz my brake pad was too high.  It seems my rear wheel wasn't in the dropout all the way so that solved the braking issue.  Crusty's just gonna find something else to yell about...

Ok...next update will be a race report.