Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Play by Play: Karl and Toby are away on the last lap....Toby puts in a hard pull of 27mph down the back stretch, Karl comes around him at 27.8mph on turn 4, toby counters at 27.9mph and drills it for 400m then karl powers away at 28.2mph and takes the win in a hotly contested seated-hands-on-hoods sprint which reminded everyone present of Chipollini/Petacchi.

I was in the chase group (but not really working) with Jay, Langston, Robin, a very fresh Ladd and a couple others. We were all a bit miffed when when someone called 2 laps to go with about 45min left (didn't we say 50+2 at the start?).

Anyway...With the break dangling just ahead of us I knew that if I worked hard to bring them back Jay would just win easily so on the last lap I shirked a couple of pulls and left it up to Jay to pull the 2 non sprinters back (which I though he could do) so i sat on him and he took off as predicted but he died with about 400m to go then I jumped on Lang's wheel and got a good draft and started to come around, but Karl had just crossed the line...good ride by the two skinny guys, they were away for a very LONG time.

Then there's This.

1 Comment:

MM said...

Yeah, that was Dean "keeping time". He doesn't go by the chronograph, he goes by ... "Well, the race should start at 6:30, so the time should too...!"
I tried to tell him he was off, but he's old and doesn't listen so well anymore. You guys only got shorted one lap. I'll keep time next week...