Saturday, March 22, 2008

Floggin it

Today was good. 87 miles and great weather. We started out with 8, then 6, then it was Me, Ladd, Jay, & Phil . For the first 70 miles we averaged 23mph--we were killing's not exactly flat out there around Winsboro/Lake Wateree. Those three were laying it down.

It was a hard ride but its very fun to go flat out fast on rolling terrain with a good group. We chilled the last 15 miles (which is probably a good thing). I felt great all day--the legs definitely showed up!

LL did a 20' test yesterday: 382w <-- wow!

Holy shit wow: Will Frischkorn of Slipstream was in a break all day at Milan-SanRemo. He burned 6747Kj...2 hours and 9 minutes at 330-380w...2 hours and 12 minutes between 380 and 450w. Kindof hard to get your head around these numbers. Wonder what his TSS was!


Unknown said...

I noticed YOUR TSS was higher than LL's! It is apparent that you did more than your fair share of work while LL sat on! oh, the shame.

Rich W said...

Take it easy on the newbie...All afternoon I've been on him about how he can put out 382w for 20' and only average 23mph. He's feeling a bit fragile right now.

Unknown said...

I guess you'll be joining Phil and LL for the TT on 4/9??? Come on, it'll be fun!

Rich W said...

The words "fun" and "TT" should never be seen in the same sentence.

However...I'll think about it.